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Content > Summary in English > Utena District > Lakes



There are 186 lakes in Utena District. The biggest one’s are:

Aisetas. Only one fork of this lake belongs to Utena District, what is 2 km of length to south from Saldutiškis and the rest is in Molėtai District. Total lake area is 501 ha, its length is 15,5 km; the biggest depth – 40 m; there are 5 islands in the lake. In summer transparency of water is 3 m, and water is cold. Fishes such as the ablets, roach, bass and pikes are mostly found in this lake, but also there are breams, catfishes, eels and pikeperches. 

AlausasAlaušas is a lake of 1054 ha area. In its north shore there is Alaušai village, in south – Sudeikiai little town. Alauša river, which is left affluent of Šventoji, outflows from north part of the lake. There are many pits on its ground. The lake holds two islands with total area of 5,3 ha. Length of the lake is 5 km, average width – 2,2 km, length of the lake line is 22 km; transparency of water in summer reaches 4-6 m. Its hallos are wide, sandy and just little bit overgrown. There are found 11 sorts of fish such as vendace, pike, bream, roach, bass and other. Tourists and holidaymakers especially like this lake.

Indrajai is one of the biggest lakes (area of 299 ha) in Utena District, near by Daugailiai small town along Utena-Zarasai road. Its length is 4,7 km, average width – 0,65 km; the lake is winding, its banks are high and sharp, its ground is very bumpy. The lake feature is the shoals – even 4 of them come to the lake surface as the islands. The lake’s water bulk is impressive – 23,5 mln. m3. There are Antadraja, Bajoriškės, Veleikiai, Statkūniškis and Šlaitai villages situated on the lakeshores. The north Indrajai lake corner is a bound of Zarasai District.

Tauragnas is a lake of 513 ha area. Its west edge is next to Tauragnai, and south edge – by Ignalina District bound. There are Taurapilis, Stučiai, Sidabrinė and Varniškiai villages situated on the lakeshores. Its length is 9,5 km, and average width is 0,54 km. Tauragnas is the deepest lake in Lithuania. The biggest depth (in west part) is 60,5 m, average depth – 18,7 m; lake’s water bulk is 95,6 mln. m3, and are of its watershed is 74 km2. Tauragna effluent starts in this lake. Since 1955 hydrological station is operating by the lake in Tauragnai little town, where they measure water level and temperature and observe ice phenomena. Average water transparency in summer is about 5 m. Tauragnas is in Aukštaitija National Park area.

Vidinkstas is a lake of 113 ha area. Its location is about 9 km to southwest from Utena and 5 km to southeast from Leliūnai. There are Aleksiejiškis, Miliūnai, Pakalniai, Kvoseliai and Pavidinkstė villages situated on its shores. The lake length is 2,4 km, average width – 0,49 km, its bank length is 7,2 km, the biggest depth – 5,9 m, average depth – 3,8, water bulk – 4,3 mln. m3. The lake is abounding in fish – there are found 12 sorts of fish. Its shallows are sandy, but mostly grown with water plants.

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Utena. 2002