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Summary in English

Content > Summary in English > Utena District > Education




A school that was operating by an Utena church in 1633 is known as first school in a District. In 1772 the parish schools were operating in Kuktiškės, Utena, Užpaliai and Vyžuonos. In 1803 the Russian parish schools were established. In a first half of XIX century the secret schools were founded, where Lithuanian language was teached. In 1900 there were about 250 pupils in a District, in 1910 – 450 pupils.
After the First World War in 1918 a special anxiety was expressed for an education. In 1920 there were 42 teachers of elementary schools, and 1200 pupils were learning; in 1939 – 109 teachers and 3555 pupils. After the Second World War a number of schools and pupils increased. In 1950 there were 70 schools, 402 teachers and 5803 pupils; in 1971 – 71 schools, 459 teachers, 2 lecturers and 7511 pupils. In 1975 an obligatory secondary education was established. After a renewal of independence of Lithuania in 1990 some elementary schools were closed because of the pupils’ number decrease. Since 2000 profiled education is implemented that strengthen a base of primary and secondary schools and pupils’ preparation. In a beginning of 2000 there were operating 2 gymnasiums, 6 secondary schools, 10 primary and 11 elementary schools, 4 nursery-schools, complementary education schools, professional and other schools. Since a new school year in 2000 a high non-university school – Utena College – started to operate.


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Utena. 2002