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Rivers, flowing trough Utena District:

A divide of Šventoji and Žeimena – two big river basins – is crossing southeast corner of Utena District. It winds from southwest to northeast trough Kuktiškės, Raudoniškis, Ryliškiai, Klykiai, Sirvydžiai and Antalgė. Šventoji and its affluents take three quarters of Utena District area. Average density of rivers’ net is about 0,8 km/km2; total rivers’ length is almost 1000 km.

SventojiŠventoji is the biggest river of District. It outflows from Paštis lake, traverses Utena District land and flows to southwest part about 30 km till Anykščiai District bound, where 140 km is left till its mouth. This range of Šventoji is the most winding. There are Likančiai, Ilčiukai, Degėsiai, Kaniūkai, Šeimyniškės, Joniškis, Vėželiai villages and Užpaliai little town situated on its shores. Two bridges of ferroconcrete join river’s shores; one is in Užpaliai, the second is in Kunigiškės – in a joint of Utena and Anykščiai Districts. In a range Ilčiukai-Užpaliai Šventoji flows the most jolly, so why even three watermills were built here: Ilčiukai mill (destroyed), Degėsiai mill (destroyed) and Užpaliai mill. In spring river is the most watery. Going downstream there are the most significant affluents of Šventoji in Utena District: Alauša, Karčiupis, Ringys, Bradesa, Girbys, Vyžuona – from the left and Narupis, Ūdrokštis, Nasvė – from the right side. Indraja that flows through Duobiai-Daugailiai-Antadraja-Bikūnai environs also belongs to the watershed of Šventoji.

VyzuonaVyžuona. We could call Utena District as “Vyžuona land”, because here is one third of its area. Total area of Vyžuona watershed is 414,7 km2. The river outflows in Molėtai District and its mouth is in Utena and Anykščiai Districts’ joint. Its length is almost 30 km. The lower river reaches are the most beautiful (below Vyžuonos). Here the river widely winds; its valley is dried and impacted with high banks. 235 streams, mostly short – till length of 3 km, sluice water to Vyžuona and its affluents.  The longest (21,7 km) is Krašuona; its watershed (68,6 km2) extends to southeast from Utena and flows through Nemeikščiai, Biliakiemis, Raudoniškis until Ryliškiai. In 1980 near by Nemeikščiai village the river was stemmed. A pond of 82,4 ha was made here (length of a dam is 640 m, height – 12 m).


BukaBūka is maybe the most beautiful little river in Aukštaitija National Park (its length is 8 km, area of its watershed is 146 km2). The river outflows from Utenykštis lake. Till Vainoriškė village it is very large, but shallow; speed of its stream is little. Below its trench is getting narrower and its stream gets more intensive. The river debouches into Baluošas lake.





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Utena. 2002